Reiki is a hands-on healing treatment that originates from Japan.
A safe and gentle form of energy work that can be of benefit to everyone needing to relax and unwind.
It is especially effective during times of anxiety, depression, stress or illness whether you need some mental calm or emotional release. Reiki helps to restore balance and works where it’s needed.
Hands are placed on the body, over clothing, for a few minutes at a time starting from the head and working down the body.
The sensations you may feel: heat, tingling, seeing colours, hearing music…
Reiki is cumulative so the more treatments you have, the more tuned in to it you will become.
Appointments: 60 mins (Children for up to 60 mins)
Monday – Friday
730am- 9pm
Appointments are available outside of reception hours depending upon each therapist
Monday – Sunday
01603 66 00 22
7 St Johns Alley, Maddermarket, Norwich, NR2 1DR