Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (Tre)

TRE, or Tension and Trauma Release Exercises, is a body-based practice devised by Dr David Berceli. TRE works to soothe your overactive or “stuck on” nervous system, symptoms of which can include feeling anxious, angry, overwhelmed or emotionally numb.

The seven exercises of TRE are a powerful tool that induce safe, natural therapeutic tremors. These tremors – known as shaking – release tension and help you connect back to your body.

Because we are working with the natural reflexes of the body, TRE doesn’t require you to remember, identify or describe your stress. We simply trust the tremors and let your amazing ability to self-heal shine through.

Many people describe feeling calm, relaxed or even energised at the end of a TRE session. And regular sessions can have a cumulative benefit as you become more familiar with your shaking and more deeply connected to your body. You may find the benefits to be broad, positively impacting both your physical and emotional wellbeing.

With guidance, you can learn TRE for yourself, enabling you to maintain your own healing practice.

David Berceli summarises this beautifully: “Used regularly (TRE) can prevent life’s everyday minor stresses from turning into chronic tension.”

About Em Barber 

Em has spent 30 years working in a variety of settings with those who find life difficult for many reasons. Her personal TRE practice has transformed many aspects of her life, including better sleep, a calmer outlook and greater physical wellness. It has enabled her to bring safety and centredness to the work she does, so she’s am better able to support herself and her clients.

As a Certified TRE Provider, she would love to help you discover TRE for yourself. Wherever you are in life, talk to us about how TRE might help you.

Appointments: 60 minutes

Virtual Reception Times

Monday – Friday

730am- 9pm

Appointments are available outside of reception hours depending upon each therapist

Monday – Sunday


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